Whether you’re here to renovate an old abandoned summer camp, or work hard as a counsellor to make sure every kid has the best summer of their lives and gets home in one piece, you had better watch your back.
The forest around this old place is polluted, haunted, and running wild with cryptids, psychos and cults.
Squishy: Campfire Carnage is a system agnostic summer camp generator.
Despite being designed for the SQUISHY quickstart horror tabletop system, the 32 random tables in this book and bestiary of 13+ creatures and creeps mean that this book can be used to generate a unique summertime horror experience.
The book includes three scenarios:
FIXER UPPER, set around the camp and the lake, where players take the role of delinquents on community service, being tasked with renovating the long abandoned camp.
SUMMER VACATION, set around the camp, at the lake, and within various locations throughout the woods, where players take the role as camp counsellors dealing with a group of kids coming to visit the camp on their vacation. Keep ’em entertained and keep ’em in one piece!
CANOE TRIP CATASTROPHE in which the counsellors take a group of rambunctious kids (generated on a random table) downriver, through 9 deadly stretches of river.
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